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America's road to freedom

IntersectNews team

A year has passed since the virus first took an American life, and it is still wreaking havoc in the US. The pandemic’s official death toll now equals 500,000 - over the population of Kansas City, MO. In the last month alone, the US has experienced a fifth of its total deaths.

Trump’s administration abandoned the ‘planned' and orthodox response to a similar situation out of the window - disregarded Fauci and medical advisors, belittled the impact of the virus, and attacked state governors who tried to implement covid-related restrictions.

One of the biggest parts of Biden’s rhetoric pre-election was the abysmal response Trump had to the pandemic and his biggest promises centred around guiding America out of the grips of the virus.

Biden and his administration have already made some fundamental changes to enact this promise and change the White House’s response:

  • Has stopped politicising the crisis

  • Accepted that the toll taken on America is an actual threat, not a partisan move to hinder his political advancements

  • Improved his relationship with Fauci

  • His administration started ‘following the science’

  • Integrated the response to the virus federally, so the outcomes can be regulated and coordinated - helping all Americans, not only those whose representatives are effective

  • Supported and coordinated a national strategy on vaccination distribution

  • Invoked the Defense Production Act to mobilise private industries to increase production of test kits, PPE, and vaccine facilities

  • Continued the push for pandemic relief stimulus checks to reduce the impact on American’s and their families

Fauci has already described the ‘liberating feeling’ of no longer working under the Trump administration and expressed his relief that he can now implement a firmer response to get a handle on the virus.

Hopefully, these actions will soon kick in, and Americans can return to normal life, no longer fearful of Covid-19 and its impact.

Written by Jessica Craighill

Artwork by Delicia

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