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Coronavirus Blame Game: China vs the USA

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

“Chinese Virus”. The world’s finger is pointed at China. According to the analysis, “If the interventions could have been brought in a week earlier, 66% fewer people would have been infected. If brought three weeks earlier (when the Chinese government first knew about the virus) could have reduced cases by 95%.” The analysts model human movement to simulate different outbreak scenarios.

95% is a very, very high percentage. The fallout of COVID will lead to economic, emotional and ethical turmoil. When world leaders get a second to breathe the demand for compensation will exponentially rise. The friends and families of victims are demanding China “pays” for the destruction of so many lives. This has led to an increase of Racial violence against South East Asian communities which is quite frankly daft. The Chinese government is to blame, not individual members of a race. 

From an unaffiliated perspective it may be best to forgive and forget China’s mistake since it is now the “wealthiest” country in the world and without a doubt, holds incredible political and economic power. Bringing China to heel will prove to be a Herculean task requiring unanimous decisions and unity that world leaders have yet to show. Getting financial compensation is very unlikely so China may end up paying through other means e.g. reputation wise. Will this be enough? Humans love to blame and punish others and, as the death toll rises, you can be sure the chances China will be forgiven, goes down the drain.

Brishti Datta


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