If the title raised your eyebrows, congratulations: you’re not sexist! Not consciously at least; this lesson has been drilled into our heads since before we could talk. Boys are continuously told to be brave, strong and confident, to be man enough. I know guys who would rather die than tell another person they’re hurting. Family, relationship, money problems are unheard of. What if they judge me? What if they see me as weak? What if I lose their respect? This is, quite frankly, toxic, dangerous and needs to be stopped. Why is it men mock and are mocked for having feelings and showing emotion? Isn’t showing emotion what makes us human? The truth is, men are not given the safe space to “feel”. Men: you have to realise that. Stop being afraid to create it for yourself. Redefine what it means to be a man.
Are you brave enough to be vulnerable?
Are you strong enough to be sensitive?
Are you confident enough to stand up and defend us when your friends joke about sexual assault?
Are you man enough to do something so your daughter doesn’t have to live in a world where yet another woman says “me too”?