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Choice Feminism

IntersectNews team

Choice feminism is a modern feminist ideology that was pushed by the mainstream’s idea of what feminism is. Due to women historically having their choices taken away from them, “choice feminism” subscribes to the idea that any choice that a woman makes is inherently feminist as she expresses her own agency and decision making, free from the chains of man. On the surface level, this is great! It shows that women can do what they want and still be a feminist: want to wear lipstick? That doesn’t mean you’re appealing to the male gaze, you’re just looking good because you want to. Want to be a housewife? That’s cool! As long as it’s your decision and no one else's. This is all great: feminism should include everyone, but the problem is that for “choice feminism”, inclusion doesn’t go very far.

Choice feminism totally excludes the women who do not have as many options that privileged women do. While sexism obviously still exists in every corner of the earth, the brunt of the load falls upon the millions of women who cannot afford choice. Choice feminism may see a woman choosing sex work as a form of liberation, where the woman has no other options to stay afloat. Or they may see a mother of four choosing to work as an amazing political statement, when really the mother has no choice but to do both to keep her family alive. This extremely individualistic approach to feminism makes it easy for more privileged women to overlook the struggles of LGBTQ+, disabled, working-class women and women of colour as it assumes that all women are on the same level playing field when it couldn’t be further from the truth.

To truly liberate women, we must focus on helping all people, particularly women, rather than focusing on an individual’s choices and actions.

Written by Ella Klassen

Artwork by Mrishana


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