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Clarity needed over face-mask policy

In response to a citizen on Prime Minister’s question time Friday July 10th, Prime Minister Boris Johnson mentioned a need for “stricter” policies surrounding face covering in enclosed spaces, leading MP’s and scientific advisers to call for greater clarity surrounding the government’s policy on wearing a mask in shops and indoor retail spaces.

Though masks have become compulsory on public transport and in situations where social distancing is not possible, mounting evidence which suggests disease transmission is increased in indoor or enclosed spaces suggests that it could be time to make it compulsory to wear a mask when shopping to reduce further spread of Covid-19 in the UK. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced in a statement that wearing a mask when shopping in Scotland would become compulsory as part of Phase Three of the country’s easing out of lockdown, a move which could pressure the UK government to enact a similar policy.

In the past weeks there has been mounting criticism of member’s of Johnson’s cabinet for not appearing in public wearing a face covering. Chancellor Rishi Sunak received extensive criticism on twitter after a photo-op in a Wagamama’s restaurant in Central London pictured him serving food to customers with a distinct lack of PPE. However, Johnson himself was recently pictured wearing a face mask in public for the first time.

Though much of the Prime Minister’s coronavirus advice has been described as somewhat unclear by many, a statement made by Johnson urging people to “go back to work if they can” prompts a need for clear and decisive policy surrounding face covering in shops in order to protect both customers and employees.

Written by Emily Jenkins

Artwork by Zara Masood

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