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Feminism: an outdated concept.

The girl in the photo had her face lacerated - by her husband with a razor blade because her dowry was too small.

An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age.

Malala was shot in the face for attempting to get an education.

Tell me again how we don’t need feminism.

Globally 1,500 Acid attacks happen every year. “Attackers purposely aim for the face – destroying the eyelids so the eyes remain open. Her disfigurement then becomes a public mark of shame, making it hard for her to get married or gain employment.”

As for the west? Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, victim of sexual assault as a minor, has been the target of vicious harassment, death threats, forced to relocate multiple times - sentenced to constantly look over her back for the rest of her life. Brett Kavanaugh? Now a member of the Supreme Court, despite 4 testimonies of sexual assault.

Let’s talk about Trump, accused of rape, sexual assault, non-consensual kissing or groping. Despite a recording of him bragging vocally about forcibly kissing and groping women, he was STILL voted in by the people.


“We are drowning in it. And all of us are doing what women have always done: we’re trying to keep our heads above water, just trying to get through it, trying to pretend like this doesn’t bother us”, Michelle Obama.

Girls are being taught to swallow emotions, thoughts, ideas. Be the bigger person, talk gently, let the man feel in charge. Ignore cat calls, ignore stares, ignore the headlines saying they take his word over the multiple women - again.

It makes my blood boil when people say we don’t need feminism. Feminism is giving basic human rights to those who have not had the privileged life you have had. Feminism is the vision of society where women and men have an equal voice.

Why is that debateable?

Written by Brishti Datta

Artwork by Isabel

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