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Nationwide Lockdown in the UK

IntersectNews team

Following an address to the nation Saturday evening, Prime Minister Boris Johson has announced that the UK will undergo a four week, nationwide lockdown in an attempt to curb the dangerously rising infection rate of coronavirus, and furthermore prevent the NHS from becoming overrun. However this lockdown has some evident differences to that of March, most notably that schools, universities and colleges will be able to remain open. Mr Johnson outlined a plan to implement these tighter restrictions from Thursday the 5th of November until the December 2nd, when restrictions will be eased and the three-tiered lockdown system re-introduced.

Under these new restrictions, people are to stay home unless they have a specific reason for leaving, such as education or work that cannot be done from home. Moreover, meeting either indoors or in a private garden is no longer allowed whilst pubs, bars, restaurants and other non-essential businesses are asked to close alongside gyms and leisure centres. However, individuals from different households can still meet in a public space, construction and manufacturing sights may remain open and finally, people are still able to form ‘support bubbles’.

Yet, as in March, some accuse the PM of delaying the inevitable once again, favouring the arguments of the Treasury and various conservative backbenchers who insisted that protecting the already fragile economy should be a priority. It was revealed that from September conversations were active in government to introduce a short term ‘circuit-breaker’ lockdown as the rate of infection began once again to climb, prompted by a variety of scientific advisors to the government, members of the opposition and even members of Johnson’s own party. Though certainly decisive, it remains to be seen whether this lockdown will reduce the spread of the virus and allow families to meet for Christmas, as the PM hopes.

Written by Emily Jenkins

Artwork by Zara Masood

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