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IntersectNews team

Indonesia is home to over 1300 ethnic groups. Indonesia embraces diversity, a fact evident in their motto, “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” which means Unity in diversity. However, the country has a colonized mindset following the cruel colonization by the Dutch.

This mindset is clear as day in the twenty-first century when Indonesians correlate beauty with fair or white skin and consider darker shades as dirty or ugly. It’s not hard to spot the difference in how Indonesians treat white people and black people.

Indonesian women have been quoted by many to be equivalent to Indian men.

Seeking foreign, preferably white men, Indonesian women believe that white people are more attractive or wealthier than Indonesian men. This belief is not surprising considering that knowing a white person can considerably raise your reputation in Indonesia. Even the media gives headlines to local Indonesians who marry white people.

All this has played a role in the rampant racism in the country with Indonesian teens using and defending the use of the N-word. Because of their dark complexion, Papuans face racism in every corner - even in Papua itself.

Unequal access to education plays a major role in perpetuating these stigmas. Major cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta enjoy great education whereas provinces like Papua have inadequate education, with some graduating high school with preschool reading level.

Many Indonesians have misunderstandings about Papuans, believing them to be savages. Instead of helping Papua by providing access to advanced technology and other resources, many use this lack to mock the province.

When will Papuans finally be treated as Indonesians?

Written by Savannah

Artwork by Zara Masood

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