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Steps towards sustainability by the fashion industry

IntersectNews team

Between 2012 and 2020 the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan achieved:

15% carbon footprint reduction

15% water footprint reduction

15% waste to landfill reduction

In 2019, High Street fashion brand Zara declared that by 2025 all their clothes will be made from 100% sustainable fabrics, which is said to be true for all companies owned by Inditex, including Pull&Bear and Zara Home.

Other firms are leaning towards technology to increase sustainability, from ‘AirDye’ which uses 85% less energy and 90% less water than conventional clothes dying to 3D printing of clothing (which have already appeared on catwalks in London, Milan and Paris), which means quicker production, less exploitation of workers and made of biodegradable polymers.

Selfridges have launched their own Project Earth, an Earth-conscious, designer way of shopping, including men and women’s clothing, beauty and accessories. This project not only resells used clothes, fixes up and ‘up-cycles’ them and allows clothes to be rented to reduce the idea of ‘fast fashion’, but the clothes, bags and beauty products are all made of sustainable materials. Their site allows an insight to the great work they are doing globally, to help preserve our futures.

So much is being done and technology has been a huge part of this, and the successes have been monumental, but there is still so far to go, especially for worker’s rights.

Written by Pippa Seager

Artwork by Delicia



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