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What is DLM?

IntersectNews team

CW: r*pe and violence

The Dalit Lives Matter (DLM) movement has gained momentum thanks to the nationwide protests over the rape and forced cremation of a 20-year-old Dalit woman from Hathras, UP, India. The government and police attempted to silence the victim's family and protests around the country. They attempted to falsify data, claim there was no rape at all, and lock the village down by naming it a "containment zone" a day after the cremation.

The upper caste families in the village, along with former BJP MLA Rajveer Pahalwan and other right-wing groups, protested in favour of the four accused rapists and have threatened the victim's family multiple times. This case is just one among thousands of crimes committed against Dalit. The Hindu caste system divides people into four main castes. Dalits (meaning "broken" in Sanskrit) were left out of the system and were subjected to untouchability. They were slaves and servants to the other four groups and were not even allowed to look at their masters' faces. Even today Dalits do not have equal access to resources and are constantly harassed by the "upper castes". Many villages still practice untouchability, not allowing the Dalits to touch anything used by the upper caste people.

The caste system has been upheld by many leaders and is still ingrained in the general public. Many believe that reservation in government jobs and colleges, one of the few provisions which help Dalits, must be abolished.

Even this movement against the caste system is not taken seriously by many Indians. It is mainly due to these two reasons:

  1. Many believe that third-degree torture in police custody is a normal procedure to extract confessions and solve crimes. “Encounter specialists” (policemen who specialise in gunning down suspects in cold blood) are hailed as heroes rather than murderers. Films showing police brutality run so well that they produce multiple sequels.

  2. Violence based on caste, religion and gender is so ingrained in society and politics. The UP CM, Yogi Adityanath claimed the protests were an "international plot" to discredit his government. Killing routinely happens in clashes between people of different castes, religions, regions and ethnicities. The chief perpetrators become political leaders of their communities rather than criminals.

The caste system must be abolished. If there’s one thing the Indian government doesn't want, it’s international attention on the caste issue. What can you do to help the movement? Amplify Dalit voices and educate those around you. Every action counts. Message @_anunu_ for any assistance in supporting the movement.

Written by Anushree Appandairajan

Artwork by Zara Masood


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