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What is Going On In Belarus?

IntersectNews Team

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has been in power since July 20th, 1994. On August 9th, 2020, Lukashenko was declared the winner of the presidential election. His victory was met with members of the EU and other nations calling the election results "neither free nor fair." However, the Belarus election board maintained that Lukashenko won 80% of the votes. Lukashenko's victory, combined with frustrations over past election results and Lukashenko's opponents either disappearing or being arrested has caused a public uproar.

Since the August 9th election, Belarus has been experiencing an internet blackout. Various human rights organisations have reported that over 9 million Belarusian people were affected by the internet and cellular shutdowns that were ordered by Lukashenko. The people of Belarus then took to the streets to protest Lukashenko's draconian measures and were met with extreme brutality. The protesters demanded a recount of the elections that took place on August 9th, fair and free future elections, a change in leadership, the release of political prisoners and protesters, and the right to protest peacefully. Police responded by attacking protesters with tear gas, rubber bullets, stun grenades, and abuse with batons.

The United Nations and EU have condemned the Belarusian police's egregious use of violence, but Lukashenko continues to ignore them. Lukashenko: Europe's last and longstanding "dictator" is not going out without a fight, and the people of Belarus and their allies around the world intend on giving him one.

Written by Casey Bakarani

Artwork by Izzy Johns

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