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Why Capitalism Breeds Racism

IntersectNews team

Since the outrageous killing of George Floyd, protests against racial injustice have been taking place in many countries across the world.

While these protests have a large focus on injustices in the USA, racism is also a deep-rooted issue in the UK and is present in our institutions. Despite this, Tory MP Matt Hancock claimed that these protests are purely about injustices in the USA- unrelated to the UK. This is not the case at all. Much like the USA, the UK is a capitalist and imperial state which uses racism as a tool to divide the proletariat. This downright denial from the government entrenches the issue further.

Malcolm X said, “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” Parts of the state interact to deeply ingrain racism and ultimately divide workers among themselves. As the media is owned by capitalists, a certain image can be retained in regards to the Black Lives Matter protests.

Racism has proved integral and necessary for the proper functioning of capitalist societies. When the proletariat is divided against itself because of the stereotyping of protestors and victims of hate crimes, workers are encouraged to identify with exploiters, rather than those workers in other countries. This impedes the development of class consciousness and undermines the unity necessary to challenge the capitalist rule, as workers of the world cannot unite and overthrow capitalist rule.

It is without a doubt that capitalism kills. However, the Black Lives Matter movement has led to a massive rise in class consciousness and class struggle, especially for those who are members of the BAME community.

Written by Ty Sparkes

Artwork by Izzy Johns


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