During the Trump Presidency, Iran has faced immense criticism of international diplomacy. There are high expectations for Biden to be less hostile towards Iran by removing sanctions. Recently, Iran has initiated a nuclear inspection by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), who will decide the lengths of monitoring and verification necessary. Iran took this action before a deadline they set in the hopes of stopping invasive inspections of sites unless sanctions from the US were lifted.
Since 2018, when the US left a nuclear deal with Iran, tensions have skyrocketed. Iran responded by refusing the obtrusive check of sites.
Iran keeps on denying the alleged statements made by many countries suspecting them of using nuclear power to create a nuclear bomb. They accepted the practice of nuclear activities to some extent, via a major agreement with 5 other countries for ending the sanctions on the Iranian economy.
Former US President Donald Trump restored the sanctions by pulling out of the deal, claiming this deal favours Iran. Now comes a new president, but the US and Iran both resist making the first move.
Undoubtedly, Iran made its first move in the ease of this crisis. This agreement will allow the recordings from monitoring equipment at Iranian nuclear sites for the next three months. Those recordings will not be made public until sanctions are lifted. If the sanctions remain, the data would be erased. For peace’s sake, the US and other countries have to negotiate because Iran wants to rebuild its economy in the post-covid era.
Written by Hardik Dogra
Artwork by Delicia
