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All the kids are depressed

IntersectNews team

Teenagers are taught to keep their heads down and get through it. Teachers, even parents will just tell you to get through these years and you’ll be set for life.

1 in 8 school-age children had an identified mental disorder in 2016. Deeply worrying statistics like this are everywhere you look.

That’s come to a head over COVID. It’s an international pandemic and governments, schools, teachers are of little support.

A National Union of Students poll of 4,000 students 52% reported that their mental health had deteriorated or been affected negatively by Covid-19. Only 29% of those had looked for help. Of those that did seek help, 57% said they were satisfied with the support they got.

Should we even be surprised? This society values productivity over happiness.

Stress levels are through the roof - the constant bombardment of grim news is overwhelming. We can’t see our friends - Even face timing is becoming a chore.

No wonder suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24 (2019).

Truth is this society doesn’t care, about tests and awards sure, but about the wellbeing of their students? Forget it.

Written by Brishti Datta

Artwork by Zara Masood


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