Human beings have evolved from bacteria to the amazing creatures we are today and have adapted to our surroundings. What does our evolution include now? Humans are one of the most resilient creatures in the world, with waterproof skin and complex inner systems. Our anatomy is complicated, and our brain alone is an extremely sophisticated and advanced system. How did we even get here in the first place?
Scientists believe we evolved from bacteria millions of years ago, eventually developing into an ape-like species. This species soon grew to become Neandrethals, and eventually us. Evolution hasn’t stopped since then. In fact, it’s faster than it has ever been in 250 years, and a ‘micro-evolution’ was recently discovered by Australian scientists.
The evolution includes the following findings:
A median artery is formed when a baby is in the womb. Usually, after the baby was born, the artery used to disappear as it no longer had a use. Now, this artery remains in one in three people after birth and throughout their life. Scientists assure us that although it is odd, it poses no risk to our health as all it does is increase blood flow to the hand.
The other part of the mini-evolution means babies are being born with less to no wisdom teeth. Our ancestors used to chew stone and other hard materials, but as our meals are more soft and we use utensils to eat there is no actual use for them.
What other plans does evolution have for us, and will they help or hinder our survival as a race?
Written by Charlie Addie
Artwork by Zara Masood