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Tear Gas: Who Uses It & The Dangerous Of Using it

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

On June 19th 2020, police were criticised for using tear gas (also known as Mace) on peaceful protesters outside of a DC Church, in order for President Donald Trump to have an impromptu photo-op.

Use of Mace against protestors is not anything new - In fact, mace has been used against protesters since the 1970s. However, it was made popular during the 1st World War due to its gruesome effects. Because of this many countries, as well as the Geneva Protocol has banned its use, however law enforcement in the USA still legally and regularly use it against their own civilians.

American Police justify their use of mace by claiming it is “safe” stating that they would “ have to resort to more lethal weapons” if tear gas is not permitted. This is simply untrue - many countries don’t use or rely on it. As for being a “safe” and “non-lethal” weapon, tear gas has resulted in the deaths of several protests, one being a 22 year old student.

Effects include - stinging eyes, temporary blindness, breathing difficulties, and skin blisters. In addition, the use of tear gas has been proven by research to make people more susceptible to the coronavirus due to the destruction of lung tissue. Although ethically dubious and inhumane, there US government is still reluctant to back down from its use of a dangerous, and horrific weapon.

Sahar Baraki


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